Saturday, January 28, 2012


Sometimes people talk about falling in love,
and sometimes it really is like that.
One day you're living a very pragmatic existence,
soon you're sitting up late on your best friend's bed trying to convince yourself you're not falling in love
(When you both know you are).
A couple months later when He moves away, you seek solace in the arms of a friend, heaving sobs from a place deep within yourself you didn't even know existed before Him.

This falling is much more subtle, much less dramatic.  All week long I've been picking my way along the desolate rocky shore, searching for glimpses of something not lost, something I know must be there.  Rarely do I spot it, shining from beneath a shallow pool , partially obscured by snail shells.  I treasure the fleeting beauty of these precious stones.

Yet as I stand above, looking down into these pools, their depth grows infinitely deeper.  i might choose to dive in but know my breath could not hold for such a journey.  I take a seat and stare across the sea toward the horizon.

On this eve of a new day I wonder: Will I take one step forward and set sail on the endless sea of sadness or will I continue my hunched pace along the beach, hoping for something more?


  1. Two things.

    This endless sea is not made of sadness. You are blessed with a wonderful life, but I'm sure you've already heard, it's up to you to make ; what you want from it, out of yourself (not someone else). Some of these things you see may be an over-extension of your desire despite what the reality may be.

    Secondly, I'm just wondering if you are talking about Him or him.

    Anyhow, hopefully this makes some sense to you, but mostly I hope you realize that there are far more choices than the 2 you laid out in your last statement.

    1. Him = Him. Him does not equal G-d.
      Thanks for the encouragement.

  2. hey brilliant stuff, em. your story is a gift. truly.

    three things:

    1) we're overdue for coffee. let's make it happen.

    2) i'm sending you this from the year, 1997.

    3) remember that nigerian prince that wanted to give me 10 million of dollars for clicking that one link in that one email? he totally came through. i went ahead and bought you a bunch of beanie babies on ebay. something tells me they'll be worth a lot some day.

    1. Dear Tof,
      Those beanie babies just made my day! I don't know why I was ever skeptical of that Nigerian prince. You're such a trusting soul. Yes, let's make coffee happen - I'd like to thank you in person for the Beanie Baby investment. Maybe you could send Alethia to college with that??
