Sunday, April 29, 2012

I am a dreamer

I've been reading love poems before bed & for awhile now they've made me feel a little sad & a little lonely as I close the anthology to fall asleep, but also grateful for the beauty.

Tonight I am no more in love than I have been other nights, and I am no less single.  Yet tonight I feel hopeful.
I did not have a date today.
I did not meet "someone" today.
I spent time with myself
                  by myself
and I began to remember

Who I am.
That I dream
& for what I dream.
I feel no more sure that my dreams
will come true,
nor of the path toward my
dream destination,
let alone the next step.
But I feel hopeful,
I am a dreamer.

1 comment:

  1. ...and you're not the only one.
    Perhaps some day you will join us...
    and the world...can live as one.

    Why did this post immediately make me think of John Lennon and 'Imagine'?

    You are a dreamer, and I am profoundly happy to witness that every day.

