Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Who am I??

I recently received a surprise package in the mail - a free sample of Infant Formula.  Apparently Similac thinks I'm a new mother.

A couple days later, the Social Security Administration sent me a statement informing me of my retirement eligibility.  Apparently the government thinks I'm the age of my mother.

Steering my bicycle around the secluded corner by Minnehaha Creek after reviewing my potential pension, I laughed at this postal coincidence.  As my small chuckle subsided and I cruised down the hill toward the parkway, I began to wonder: if I'm not one or the other, and I'm not even somewhere in-between, who am I, really?  Obviously I cannot trust others to answer this question for me: they'll surely err on the mother / pensioner side of things.

I spent the next two hours pedaling, hitting that blissful meditative state in which I feel I could ride forever. In this tunnel-like experience, one identifier shone as clearly as the sole source of light at the end: I am a cyclist.

Maybe I'm not a cyclist in the truest sense of the word, but whoever I am and wherever I'm going, at least I know how I'll travel in the interim: by two wheels.

1 comment:

  1. You are Emily and that's all that matters. :-)
