Thursday, July 12, 2012

Estar Fragil no es la Misma de estar Debil

I am still learning. I am a slow learner. I am learning

that to be fragile does not mean to be weak.

A flower is fragile, but can survive
and offer hope and joy even in war.
It is a harbinger of peace.

I am learning to be true to myself.
To live authentically.
To live honestly, transparently.
In this I find great joy,


deep and honest relationships.

Life awaits.
The only thing standing between the present and the future
is myself.
Make it. Do it. Go there.
Take risks - at the very least,
I'll have a story.

Story drives my life;
The pursuit of story
Dwelling in story
Creating story
Imagining story and living in story.
Slowly unfolding
the secret
of story.

I am still learning.

Monday, July 2, 2012

In response to May Swenson's poem "Bison Crossing Near Mt. Rushmore"

I want to live more like the wild bison and less like the cars twining the highway.
I want to go where nature leads me.
Right now it is telling me to stay. Stay here.  I tug at the reins but the city holds me firmly.  "This is where you belong," she whispers cunningly.

Together Minneapolis and I will battle through life.  Together this place and I have become intertwined.  Her rivers roil and beckon and call to me, "This is your destiny, your dream.  Let us stay and form and be formed by each other."

This land of the many glistening waters urges me to bury my feet and stiffen my trunk and to stand firm and tall and proud in her soil.  To be nourished by her soil and sheltered by the grandfather trees towering above me, shedding their wisdom down past my limbs each autumn.

I weep at the steadfastness of my feet and the transience of those who take shelter under my limbs.

I continue to grow.